Project #1: Cipher
A program that encodes a user's message using a Caeser Cipher


Create a program that encodes a user message with a Caeser Cipher.

  • The user must input a message and a desired shift

  • The program outputs the encoded message

  • The program keeps looping until it is ended by the user's command

  • The program should have a clean and clear user interface


What can I assume about user input?

    • The message will only contain lowercase letters

    • The shift value will be between -25 and 25

      • Hint: The shift may require you to "wrap around" the alphabet

Can you be more specific about the user interface?

    • The program should have a welcome message or title

    • Every user input should have a descriptive prompt

    • It should be clear how to quit the program, and there should be a message on exit.

    • Think about spacing between lines and messages

Does the program need to have multiple files?

    • You must use a main file, as well as a separate header file and cpp file.

    • The project framework on replit will provide this basic layout



Welcome to the Caesar Cipher Program!


What is your message? ('q' to quit)

> abcde

How much should I shift it?

> 2


What is your message? ('q' to quit)

> abcde

How much should I shift it?

> -3


What is your message? ('q' to quit)

> xyz

How much should I shift it?

> 5


What is your message?

> q

Have a great day!